Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bad news for me

So I lost my Japanese job due to communication with my main boss.He wanted more than  basic Japanese.WTF man.Well anyways I am not giving up yet in Japan. I am still waiting on my college stuff from the VA so I can go to college.Well I haven't drove my car as of late lol broke need a job.I also met this other cat here in Japan who said he can hook me up with odd jobs while I am in college and before my term starts so i guess that's a up and I have more time with my kids lol.I will say this to people though before they intend on trying to stay in japan. Japanese companies suck. Marketing sucks and they cannot multitask><what they call common sense is not common sense for us foreigners lol. Also come here with a BA degree or higher and ur chances of landing a English teaching job twill go up from 20% to 80%. Well that's my two cents lol.

Everyone take care who does follow my blog  and I hope your life has more fortunate happenings than mine.On a side note if all else fails i am going back to the USA on the next thing smoking lol and working a GOV or some other job   then I can fund my drifting for sure lol.